A New Era of Digital Innovation
Building innovative digital products that help businesses revolutionise the way they publish documents.
An immersive cloud-based eReader for complex document composition.
A cloud-based collaborative authoring environment with an underlying CCMS.

eGloo Technologies

Established May 2002

What part of the technical publishing journey is your business on? Maybe you are just starting, using traditional or digital methods, and trying to keep pace with a fast-changing publishing landscape.

No matter what stage of the journey you are at, we have affordable products and services to help produce efficient, high-quality, audit-based, and compliant documentation.

Send us one of your PDF documents, and we will demonstrate how easy it is to unify and modernise your current document workflows and processes on a single online platform.


Our Software as a Service (SaaS) product suite combines authoring, collaboration, and component content management capabilities for remote and inhouse writing teams.

By combining smart content with the power of the web, our cloud based HTML5 eReader provides an immersive reading experience within a self-contained, discoverable, and interactive online environment